Tuesday, June 02, 2015

I am Leaving, I do NOT intend on ever coming/going back!

Get out and never come back, 

I am on a journey to rid my negative activities and therefore another one of my bad habits is going to bite the dust!

Trust me when I say it will be hard, but so is life!

I have been on Facebook since about 2008 and I found a lot of things that really either annoyed me or degraded the way I live. I'll be the first to admit it! When I go through facebook my first instinct is to judge. I don't know what happened and why I started to judge people without knowing there background first. I remember being in grade 7 and was bullied, but I just brushed it off. Now I wonder if my life is good enough to be posted on a social media site. Going through difficult times like having a death in your family or even a break up is hard enough as it is. I don’t need my entire Facebook 200+ people on my friends list to know what is happening in my life. I don’t need them to judge me even more than I’m judging myself. My apologies if I have ever judged you without knowing your story or was mean and disrespectful. 

I miss the interaction that I have with my friends but to know about their whole life without even talking to them is very scary. " How was the concert you went to last night?" and I realize that if I wasn't wasting my time on Facebook and instead living in the moment I could have been there too. Thinking about reality I think to myself who really has 200+ friends? Are they just stalking me as I am to them? I love keeping in touch with my friends but I would like to do it face to face instead of social media. What happened to the days that you pick up a phone call your friends and plan a meet up, gathering or get together. How about a happy Birthday by card instead of Social Media notifying the world that it is your Birthday. It is always nice having someone to remember your birthday without having to be reminded by Social Media. 

I don't have Facebook on my phone because I know what will eventually happen. Although I don't have it on my phone I have access to internet all day. Many times I spend perhaps 1-2 minutes looking at Facebook, sometimes, I would be looking at Facebook and a friends friend would post something on a friends wall. Then I try to find my ex's then my ex's ex's and again judge or compare myself.” perhaps my light bulb went off when I didn't know where all my time had gone in one day and not feeling accomplished or satisfied. When you have a family and full time Job wasting time is not a good idea. I hope that this will fix my productivity issues. 

Being in my thirties, I know that it’s “the time” for all this society approved pressures like getting engaged, getting married, having children, getting good jobs. I couldn’t bear to see another person engaged, getting married having another child or landing a great job. Although I am happy for them. deep down inside, I am jealous. Why do I need to be jealous or envious is a question that I constantly battle with. I am married, I have a kid, I have a house, a dog and am Happy but was it in my own terms or was I just following the crowed? Whatever the case may be I still get Jealous and envious because what I see is what I want and that way of thinking has got to go. I should be happy with what I have and have accomplished and I don't need to keep up with anybody but my little girl! There is no need to keep up with the Jones's! On Facebook they may look happy but in reality they could all be lies and they are struggling to keep up with ME. 

I had a terrible time in high school! I am not sure when it happened, but I started truly caring about what others thought of me. I knew a lot of my peers but was never popular and was teased. I engulfed myself in work and an abusive relationship. The time is now that I stop caring what others thought of me. I am not in high school and there is no popularity contest. What others want to do in their lives is none of my business! I am the queen of my castle and have a King who let's me rule my life the way I want it to be ruled.

Some people try to add you even when you have met them once. And they never try to talk to you on Facebook. Just stalk you.. that’s all. I no longer want to stalk or be stalked! I have fallen into this trap and I am sorry!

Good bye Facebook.


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