Wednesday, September 30, 2015

It's been a long road!


The title explains everything I need it to say. 

My depression manifested from Postpartum and has stayed for a long time 3+ years. Everyone heals in there own time and mine seems to be about average for me. I cannot compare myself to anyone else but myself. If I did compare that would be heartless!

There are many people who suffer from anxiety and depression! I am/was one of them. I will relapse form time to time but I no longer depend on medication, it's been 2 years since I have stopped. 

It has taken me while to come to terms with everything that has happened in my life and am so thankful that I have such a good amount of support from friends and family even strangers!

I finally feel like I can have another child knowing all the signs and symptoms to be on the lookout for should I relapse again. It is 50/50 but I know what coping mechanisms will help. 

I urge everyone to see the signs and help each other out! There may be people in life that don't think mental health is real and chalk it up to people being lazy but you know there is a chemical imbalance sometimes and not everyone leads a perfect life. 

I am in a better place personally but there are things that still need to change. 

As this is my outlet for things I cannot express verbally sometimes, I will be updating this blog randomly. If my depression does come back and I cannot handle it I will be back again to vent and express through writing. 



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