Thursday, February 12, 2015

... a happier and more enjoyable life

Time to let go!
I cannot undo the past but I can change the future!

Do you remember doing lines in school and did it work for you? I am not sure it worked for me but I hope typing and saying it out loud will help. To commemorate myself here are 30 things that I regret but plan to change. 

1. Caring what other people might think 
  •  I will not care about what others think of me. I am my own judge and I will do what I think is right for me at that moment in time. If I want to run outside in the rain with no shoes I will! I will Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!
2. Doing what I thought would please others
  • I will not do what pleases others, I will only do what pleases me! You can do whatever you want too please yourself as well! 

3. Staying in that job you've hated for so long
  • I have had many jobs that I have not liked and moved quite quickly. I am currently stuck but I am sure with perseverance I will find the job I love once again. Money is not everything, if you are not happy your pessimism can permeate to the rest of your happy life. 

4. Not going after a dream
  • To be completely honest, I don't think I had a dream. I always thought that I would pass away at 25. I think that what I wanted was to be happy as my past never really brought any of that to my life. Well one is never to old to dream!

5. Giving up at the last hurdle
  • I will not give up at the last minute. I will work through to the end!

6. Settling for second best
  • I will not settle for second best. I will strive to be my best. 

7. Putting others before myself
  • I will not put others before me, I will put me before all others. 

8. Not putting education first. 
  • I will go back and update my grades to reflect my love of learning. 

9. Not paying attention to the people who really do matter

  • My daughter and Husband first and foremost. 

10. Not taking risks to do something I have always wanted to do

  • I will take more risk to do something that I love

11. Thinking that it’s all about the money

  • Money is not everything, I must take care of myself and that means my happiness.

12. Not getting over my fears in life

  • I will not fear other peoples words, thoughts or comments!

13. Staying in a relationship I knew had ended a long time ago

  • That relationship is long gone and thrown out! I have made a commitment to my husband and family and I am in a good place Family wise.

14. Not taking care of my body

  • Who knew taking care of my body meant mind and soul as well. I will strive to provide my body with the nutrient, care and positive influence that it desperately calls for. 

15. Not finding enough time to sit and enjoy the journey

  • I will find time to sit and just be, to reflect on all the positives in my life. 

16. Not laughing at myself enough

  • Nobody is perfect and I need to learn to not be so hard on myself. 

17. Not opening my mind to new possibilities

  • I won't be held back if a new possibility is in the future. 

18. Always thinking about the past

  • I am in the here and now! My past is that, the past! I must look towards the future.

19. Chasing money instead of seeking happiness

  • I left a wonderful job that made me very happy for a job that paid much more. It didn't work out! I regret leaving but am now on the hunt for a more satisfying job!

20. Always thinking ‘that is life’ – I have got to make your own tomorrows

  • I will make a change in myself and my world will fall into place. 

21. Accepting only the love I  think I deserve, when I should have set my standards higher

  • I deserve to be loved for me and that is what my husband provides!

22. Not realizing that it’s my own thoughts that create my world

  • I will work faster and harder to create a better world. 

23. Not letting the small things go, and focus on the things that really matter

  • I have to let go of the small things, they don't matter. What matters is what I hold close each day. 

24. Listening to reason ALL the time, sometimes I have got to just follow my heart

  • I use to do this all the time, following my heart that is! I just grew up and found it a little be harder with all the expectations I feel I have to keep. 

25. Not being braver

  • I will be braver in giving my opinions in a debate, even with my husband. 

26. Not trusting yourself enough

  • I will trust my instincts and heart, if I did that in the first place I would still be at the job I loved. 

27. Not realizing that something good comes out of every bad situation

  • This one is tough to realize in the moment. But I have made many good friends along the way of my mistakes. 

28. Knowing that I chose this life and that it’s up to me to manage it the way I would like

  • I have made huge leaps and bounds to make positive changes and there are many more to come. 

29.  Not being honest ALL THE TIME with myself and with others

  • I will be honest all the time even if the truth hurts. Especially with myself. 

30. Allowing myself to follow someone else’s beliefs instead of investigating my beliefs for myself.

  • I will work on coming to common grounds with myself, my beliefs and my happiness. 

Happiness, how do you define and find it?


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