Wednesday, December 09, 2015

The feeling of running and fleeing cause it is just to much.

I knew I would see you around again. I would be at a wedding or having lots of fun and you would just show up and I would struggle to walk out. I could be sitting in my car just reminiscing about the good times and you would come peeking around, I would pretend that I didn't notice you although you are blatantly there. 

I just needed some time, so I could get on with my life and you could go to hell. 
Thought I would be fine, but maybe not I knew you would find a way to get back to me. 

I am running and running hard looking for a place to hide and escape your emotional abusive behavior. I have my walls of support and you are not getting back in!

I know you to well and I know myself to well. 

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Creeping, Stop it!

I can feel you around me but I want you to leave! Understand that I no longer want you in my life and I am trying to move on!

I feel an overwhelming sadness, loneliness that cannot be described. You make me second guess every choice I have ever made. You make me replay moments in life and over analyze the little details that no longer matter.

I keep on pushing but you are pushing back harder than ever and I can't control the emotions that I feel. Little things have made me upset and the staleness of daily life has somehow feels like overwhelming of nothing accomplished in life.

I have family
I have friends
I have everything that I need yet you make me feel unsatisfied.

I'll take my daughters advice, if you don't get up and do something you might miss out on all the fun. She is only 4.

Just a little on how I am feeling today. I will be better tomorrow

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

It's been a long road!


The title explains everything I need it to say. 

My depression manifested from Postpartum and has stayed for a long time 3+ years. Everyone heals in there own time and mine seems to be about average for me. I cannot compare myself to anyone else but myself. If I did compare that would be heartless!

There are many people who suffer from anxiety and depression! I am/was one of them. I will relapse form time to time but I no longer depend on medication, it's been 2 years since I have stopped. 

It has taken me while to come to terms with everything that has happened in my life and am so thankful that I have such a good amount of support from friends and family even strangers!

I finally feel like I can have another child knowing all the signs and symptoms to be on the lookout for should I relapse again. It is 50/50 but I know what coping mechanisms will help. 

I urge everyone to see the signs and help each other out! There may be people in life that don't think mental health is real and chalk it up to people being lazy but you know there is a chemical imbalance sometimes and not everyone leads a perfect life. 

I am in a better place personally but there are things that still need to change. 

As this is my outlet for things I cannot express verbally sometimes, I will be updating this blog randomly. If my depression does come back and I cannot handle it I will be back again to vent and express through writing. 



Monday, June 22, 2015

Trying to feel like who I use to be

Dear Cat,

What are we becoming? It feels like we are always running going through the motions everyday. I could  hold you dearly or act like I don't even know you. Seems like you could care less either way.

What happened to the girl I use to know? I just want us back to the way we were before. Do I have your love am I still enough? Would you rather just turn away and leave me? Do I need to give up and end my former life or should I work harder to get back what we had?

Remember when life had just begun and we only had a perfect simple kind of love? Those were the days, I remember when our love ran wild and free. Where has it all gone, let me find it so that we can get back to that simple life.

Do I still give you what you need to live and live the way you want to live. Do the simplest things take your breathe away or are you hiding behind a smile that can change like the wind. Am I enough to make you as happy as you once were.

Love always,


Tuesday, June 02, 2015

I am Leaving, I do NOT intend on ever coming/going back!

Get out and never come back, 

I am on a journey to rid my negative activities and therefore another one of my bad habits is going to bite the dust!

Trust me when I say it will be hard, but so is life!

I have been on Facebook since about 2008 and I found a lot of things that really either annoyed me or degraded the way I live. I'll be the first to admit it! When I go through facebook my first instinct is to judge. I don't know what happened and why I started to judge people without knowing there background first. I remember being in grade 7 and was bullied, but I just brushed it off. Now I wonder if my life is good enough to be posted on a social media site. Going through difficult times like having a death in your family or even a break up is hard enough as it is. I don’t need my entire Facebook 200+ people on my friends list to know what is happening in my life. I don’t need them to judge me even more than I’m judging myself. My apologies if I have ever judged you without knowing your story or was mean and disrespectful. 

I miss the interaction that I have with my friends but to know about their whole life without even talking to them is very scary. " How was the concert you went to last night?" and I realize that if I wasn't wasting my time on Facebook and instead living in the moment I could have been there too. Thinking about reality I think to myself who really has 200+ friends? Are they just stalking me as I am to them? I love keeping in touch with my friends but I would like to do it face to face instead of social media. What happened to the days that you pick up a phone call your friends and plan a meet up, gathering or get together. How about a happy Birthday by card instead of Social Media notifying the world that it is your Birthday. It is always nice having someone to remember your birthday without having to be reminded by Social Media. 

I don't have Facebook on my phone because I know what will eventually happen. Although I don't have it on my phone I have access to internet all day. Many times I spend perhaps 1-2 minutes looking at Facebook, sometimes, I would be looking at Facebook and a friends friend would post something on a friends wall. Then I try to find my ex's then my ex's ex's and again judge or compare myself.” perhaps my light bulb went off when I didn't know where all my time had gone in one day and not feeling accomplished or satisfied. When you have a family and full time Job wasting time is not a good idea. I hope that this will fix my productivity issues. 

Being in my thirties, I know that it’s “the time” for all this society approved pressures like getting engaged, getting married, having children, getting good jobs. I couldn’t bear to see another person engaged, getting married having another child or landing a great job. Although I am happy for them. deep down inside, I am jealous. Why do I need to be jealous or envious is a question that I constantly battle with. I am married, I have a kid, I have a house, a dog and am Happy but was it in my own terms or was I just following the crowed? Whatever the case may be I still get Jealous and envious because what I see is what I want and that way of thinking has got to go. I should be happy with what I have and have accomplished and I don't need to keep up with anybody but my little girl! There is no need to keep up with the Jones's! On Facebook they may look happy but in reality they could all be lies and they are struggling to keep up with ME. 

I had a terrible time in high school! I am not sure when it happened, but I started truly caring about what others thought of me. I knew a lot of my peers but was never popular and was teased. I engulfed myself in work and an abusive relationship. The time is now that I stop caring what others thought of me. I am not in high school and there is no popularity contest. What others want to do in their lives is none of my business! I am the queen of my castle and have a King who let's me rule my life the way I want it to be ruled.

Some people try to add you even when you have met them once. And they never try to talk to you on Facebook. Just stalk you.. that’s all. I no longer want to stalk or be stalked! I have fallen into this trap and I am sorry!

Good bye Facebook.


Friday, April 17, 2015

Seriously! Give Me a BREAK...

Waiting for the curve to go back up!

As I sit here writing this, I know it has been a few weeks maybe even months that I have not written a single thing. 

My mind doesn't know where to begin, but knowing that everyday is a challenge is a nice little reminder. I know what makes me happy and when that doesn't work, what do you do? 

I need to keep myself busy, ALWAYS! The moments that bring me into this deep feeling of un love and self hatred and criticism about personality and my looks is staring at me. I feel as though I am in competent, disliked, dumb, ugly just not good enough. This is what it's like where I am, right now. 

When I get home for the weekend I am fine I am on top of the world until Sunday settles in and I start to feel the horrible things all over again. Monday - Friday I struggle to get out of bed, my body entraps me to the bed and have to be pulled out of my bed by my Dog. My stomach churns, my head hurts and I feel searing pain all over. I pop 2 Advils and force myself to smile and be happy so that my daughter doesn't notice. I follow my daily routines and get out the door with my lovely daughter. 

When you need a paycheck to keep your household going it weighs quite a bit on your mind when you are in a place that you hate and have been trying so hard to get out. If you love something do it, work hard at it! 

I am tired of being negative and am sick and tired of being sick and tired. 

I love my family
I love my friends
I love to help people
I love to live in the moment

But this place shows that I show up too Monday to Friday for 8 hours of my 14-16 hours of my wakefulness kills me ever so slowly. Because of it's destructive surroundings and negativity I sit here thinking I am worthless and Stupid. But because I need to keep a roof over my family's head and food on the table I endure this on a daily basis.


When I was younger I was able to just stay home and do what I needed to do to get better. But now with a family and bills to pay I can't just seclude myself from the world.

What do you do when you have to go somewhere that makes you feel so small and belittled? You FIND A WAY OUT!

From one of MY favorite Movies -  Sister ACT 2

If you wanna be somebody
If you wanna go somewhere
You better wake up and pay attention!

Why should I feel discouraged
Why should the shadows come
Why should my heart feel lonely
And long for heaven and home

When Jesus is my portion
A constant friend is he
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches over me.

~ Cat

Thursday, February 12, 2015

... a happier and more enjoyable life

Time to let go!
I cannot undo the past but I can change the future!

Do you remember doing lines in school and did it work for you? I am not sure it worked for me but I hope typing and saying it out loud will help. To commemorate myself here are 30 things that I regret but plan to change. 

1. Caring what other people might think 
  •  I will not care about what others think of me. I am my own judge and I will do what I think is right for me at that moment in time. If I want to run outside in the rain with no shoes I will! I will Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!
2. Doing what I thought would please others
  • I will not do what pleases others, I will only do what pleases me! You can do whatever you want too please yourself as well! 

3. Staying in that job you've hated for so long
  • I have had many jobs that I have not liked and moved quite quickly. I am currently stuck but I am sure with perseverance I will find the job I love once again. Money is not everything, if you are not happy your pessimism can permeate to the rest of your happy life. 

4. Not going after a dream
  • To be completely honest, I don't think I had a dream. I always thought that I would pass away at 25. I think that what I wanted was to be happy as my past never really brought any of that to my life. Well one is never to old to dream!

5. Giving up at the last hurdle
  • I will not give up at the last minute. I will work through to the end!

6. Settling for second best
  • I will not settle for second best. I will strive to be my best. 

7. Putting others before myself
  • I will not put others before me, I will put me before all others. 

8. Not putting education first. 
  • I will go back and update my grades to reflect my love of learning. 

9. Not paying attention to the people who really do matter

  • My daughter and Husband first and foremost. 

10. Not taking risks to do something I have always wanted to do

  • I will take more risk to do something that I love

11. Thinking that it’s all about the money

  • Money is not everything, I must take care of myself and that means my happiness.

12. Not getting over my fears in life

  • I will not fear other peoples words, thoughts or comments!

13. Staying in a relationship I knew had ended a long time ago

  • That relationship is long gone and thrown out! I have made a commitment to my husband and family and I am in a good place Family wise.

14. Not taking care of my body

  • Who knew taking care of my body meant mind and soul as well. I will strive to provide my body with the nutrient, care and positive influence that it desperately calls for. 

15. Not finding enough time to sit and enjoy the journey

  • I will find time to sit and just be, to reflect on all the positives in my life. 

16. Not laughing at myself enough

  • Nobody is perfect and I need to learn to not be so hard on myself. 

17. Not opening my mind to new possibilities

  • I won't be held back if a new possibility is in the future. 

18. Always thinking about the past

  • I am in the here and now! My past is that, the past! I must look towards the future.

19. Chasing money instead of seeking happiness

  • I left a wonderful job that made me very happy for a job that paid much more. It didn't work out! I regret leaving but am now on the hunt for a more satisfying job!

20. Always thinking ‘that is life’ – I have got to make your own tomorrows

  • I will make a change in myself and my world will fall into place. 

21. Accepting only the love I  think I deserve, when I should have set my standards higher

  • I deserve to be loved for me and that is what my husband provides!

22. Not realizing that it’s my own thoughts that create my world

  • I will work faster and harder to create a better world. 

23. Not letting the small things go, and focus on the things that really matter

  • I have to let go of the small things, they don't matter. What matters is what I hold close each day. 

24. Listening to reason ALL the time, sometimes I have got to just follow my heart

  • I use to do this all the time, following my heart that is! I just grew up and found it a little be harder with all the expectations I feel I have to keep. 

25. Not being braver

  • I will be braver in giving my opinions in a debate, even with my husband. 

26. Not trusting yourself enough

  • I will trust my instincts and heart, if I did that in the first place I would still be at the job I loved. 

27. Not realizing that something good comes out of every bad situation

  • This one is tough to realize in the moment. But I have made many good friends along the way of my mistakes. 

28. Knowing that I chose this life and that it’s up to me to manage it the way I would like

  • I have made huge leaps and bounds to make positive changes and there are many more to come. 

29.  Not being honest ALL THE TIME with myself and with others

  • I will be honest all the time even if the truth hurts. Especially with myself. 

30. Allowing myself to follow someone else’s beliefs instead of investigating my beliefs for myself.

  • I will work on coming to common grounds with myself, my beliefs and my happiness. 

Happiness, how do you define and find it?


Saturday, February 07, 2015

Will you ever belong to yourself again?

You Belong to me...

a letter from depression

Hello Cat,

Guess what,you know the last two days where you had energy and felt like you were making major progress and thought maybe just maybe you would be getting rid of me? You thought wrong!

My apologies for leaving you so soon! Please accept this wonderful gift that I thought you would enjoy oh so much. I give to you my friend ANXIETY.

When you wake up you will feel like you can't get out of bed, you will think that you are not a good wife and that you deserve to be alone and that nobody wants you. Your daughter hates you, you don't deserve to have children. I know you are holding back those tears and moving forward without me, but you know I still have a hold on you.

When you get to work and I do mean when, I will fill your mind with self doubt. You know you are where you are because you are not good enough. This is the perfect time since you are alone all day to tell you and convince you that you are not good enough for your husband. He is going to leave you and you will have to fend for yourself. Friends, what friends they don't care about you and you don't deserve any friends anyway.  Go ahead call your husband or friends to calm your nerves, it will only be temporary because you know you will dwell on it till it's time to leave. Do you really think that cupcake is going to help, just like the caffeine you stopped drinking? You know while you work here I will suck the soul out of you! This job isn't challenging enough, it gives you time for your mind to wander which gives me time to control your thoughts, emotions and being. That stiff neck, headache, backache, sweating and nervousness is just me and my lovely pal Anxiety. Do what you can to occupy your time but I know that I have 8 hours of your time Monday to Friday to manipulate and control you.

Your work day is over and I am still with you! You don't need to pick up your daughter, she hates you anyways. You don't deserve what you have in your life. You are ugly, you are fat, you are dumb, why should anyone love you? Why should you have friends! I am here and no one will help you.

I belong to MYSELF

answer to depressions letter

Oh, hello Depression!

How nice of you to join me on this wonderful day. I never thought that I would get rid of you just keep you at bay. So, I think that it is working quite well. 

A gift, for me? Thank you, you are to kind. This wonderful gift you brought will bring me a great new awesome challenge. 

Come to think of it I thought I was just coming down with the flu, but thanks for letting me know it was just you. Why do I have a husband still if I am not a good wife? Hmm...  his side of the bed was still warm and that loving kiss he gave me reiterates that he LOVES me. You keep on saying nobody wants me, then why are you still here? Obviously, you can't get enough of me! 

Ouch, that stung! My daughter can hate me all she wants, but having a child is a privilege and it's my responsibility to show her how to love. You can hold on to me as long as you want because all I want is to keep you at bay. IF you decided you want to leave, I would be happy as well. 

I got to work just in time to get a message from my husband asking if I got to work, cause we both know your game. My friends also know about you and guess what I got a message from them too. I may not deserve friends after what you are putting me through, but they stay because you have most likely affected them too. That cupcake tasted delicious and that is why I had it, you may have had a part but don't let that get to your head. I only stopped drinking caffeine because I was tired no matter how many cups I had, especially when you are around. 

I never invited you to come over and stay with me, but since you've been here you have brought me this ugliness, you have put so much weight on me and you just won't stop your stupid comments. Why do you love me so much? Why do you want me to be your friend and why do you need my help relentlessly? If you really need a friend, I don't think you deserve one! 

So, if you want to stay a little longer be my guest but know that as I write this you are slowly disappearing. When and if we meet again, I'll know who you are. 

xo Cat

Friday, February 06, 2015

...Climbing out.

I Am Not in the Clear and I Am FIGHTING. 

This feeling, this thought, this moment will pass!

"The Depression monster floats around endlessly, always covering his eyes to hide itself from the outside world. Because of this, it always bumps into people or other monsters causing more distress to itself each time. Its only relief is to wrap its fluid tail around a victim and share its depression with them. The victim is unaware of the monster but will register a heaviness and will develop a state of deep depression. Meanwhile the monster absorbs any positive emotions from its host until it has had its fill and moves onto another host.” 

I don't claim to be perfect, I am not now  nor have I ever been. I have bullied others, others have bullied me. You don't know how much I fight to make my life seem normal. My life is difficult to explain.

I am still dealing with issues that are unclear to me, one day I am fine the next day I feel like I am falling. When I am falling, I am falling hard! I feel like it is making up for the day that I was feeling good.

Listen! I keep on falling back into the relationship trap with depression and it is a hard battle. I am Thankful for all of the support that I get from friends and family, but like I said depression doesn't care. It wants my happiness and I am reluctant to give it up! I have a PLAN, it will work if I stick to it and move forward.

Depression robs me of any happiness that I have, leaves me numb and lonely. I feel like a failure, my job isn't satisfying and contributes to my problem. I cannot tell you when I will come out of it and when I will feel like myself again but when I do, I WILL know and work to keep it that way.

I will find and Love myself and others
I will work on being compassionate
I will show affection towards others
I will allow my anger, fear and worry to PASS
I will work on my happiness
I will try to be good and do no harm
I will TRUST
I will HELP

Believe in yourself, have courage, and rise up beyond adversity.

~ Dalai Lama

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Deep in the dark and murky Shadows of...

Depression and Anxiety.

I don't care that you are a wife, mother and friend to people who make you laugh, tell you you are beautiful, kind, loving and friendly 20 times a day. I don't care what race, religion or background you come from. I care that you stay in bed and repeat over and over that you don't deserve anything you have! Remember all those horrible times...


Just a glimpse into one day with my depression.

"Mommy, Mommy I'm awake come get me!" It's Monday morning and my daughter is calling me over the monitor and my husband has gone to work. My first thought is I need more sleep, please leave me alone. I have been up several times throughout the night, always finding it hard to get back to sleep. I hear her call for me again and my body feels like it is stuck and I can't move, I keep on saying I am coming don't worry just give me a moment. But there is no sound, my mouth isn't moving and I am still in my bed...sleeping. 

I get up and go through a daily routine without realizing what I am doing. I've gotten up, dressed myself and now heading towards my daughters room. She runs towards me with a beautiful smile and says Good Morning. She gives me a hug and I am not sure I have reciprocated. She says that's a pretty dress mommy, I say oh that's nice. I take out some clothes for her to wear, but feel like it is all a blur. I get her to daycare, how did I get here is what I ask myself as I take her out of the car. I don't recall getting her dress, putting on my shoes getting in the car or leaving the house.  She says bye mommy and have a good day with big hugs and kisses. As a routine, I go through the motions of her giving me Love and affection. 

I sit at my desk wondering how I got there, how many lights were there, what do I have to do today. What do I have to do today, oh what do I have to do today? It's the end of the day and I don't remeber if I remembered to breathe, I have to pick up my daughter. Wait, how did I pick her up and she's already in the back seat where am I going? Mommy are we going home? I hear from the back seat. Not sure if I answer but hear her say why are you not driving? We are home sitting in the living room, how did I get here? I guess as long as we are home she is safe and I just have to wait for my husband to get home. 

Where have you been, why are you late? I am tired and going to just take a rest! It's 6pm and my husband has taken the blow because I have tried my best not to take it out on our daughter. I'm crying, smiling, crying again, don't know what's going on then smiling and realize that we are now sitting reading my daughter her night time stories. Again, unsure of how I have gotten here with my daughter sitting in my arms reading her favorite books. Was she fed, did she get her bath?

I am tired but want to spend time with my husband, we are in bed and he says did you like the show we were just watching. I honestly don't remember, I say it was good. He's asleep  and I am silently dying inside crying and wishing this pain would go away, the cycle goes on again the next day. 

~ End

I am grateful for the nights my husband holds me while I cry for hours for no reason. 
I am thankful that he puts up with my random periods of irritability. 
He constantly attempts to comfort me if I am suddenly uncomfortable when we’re out in public. 
He fills me with hope for the future when I lead myself down the darkest of paths
He plays with my hair when I’m having trouble sleeping.
Encourages me to eat when I have no appetite. 
He takes care of me and I never even had to explain myself. 


When I am in the throws of depression please know that I may say the following things but mean something totally different. 

I am fine = I am going insane
I feel good = I can't feel a thing
Nothings wrong = Everything is wrong
I am okay = I really am NOT


Remember that Depression hurts!

Find out more about depression at

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Surviving Physical, Sexual and Emotional Abuse

Through my looking glass...

Please I beg of you, yell at me, hit me, tell me that I am worthless and no one else will want me. Throw me down a flight of stairs, punch me and leave me. Tell me that no one can touch me cause you love me and then deny what you have done. 

Come take a look through my mind as I recall the abuse that I have managed to walk away from but still left with the aftermath of depression and anxiety. 

As a child I remember being locked in my room for hours until my mom came home. I remember being forced to eat because my father forgot that food was already given to me. If I hadn't eaten I got a beating. If I didn't pee in the toilet and soiled myself at 4 I was beaten. If I sneezed, burped, passed wind or smiled at the wrong time I was beaten. 

I remember fighting with my father one night over why I was separating my laundry, he was of course drunk. I thought enough was enough, I shoved my laundry basket at him and said here you do it then. He whipped the basket right at my head and I fell to the ground, I got up and said " I'm calling the cops". I called 911 and the operator picked up, he then took the phone out of my hands and hung up. I told him I am not a little girl anymore and walked away, this was a scary moment. He pushed me to the side and went to the kitchen, he picked up a clever (which most Asian families have). He took this clever put it to my head and said you are not my daughter, took a swing and I ducked. He had every intention of killing me that night and that's when my mother and I walked out of the house. The cops arrived to my father taking a leisurely stroll in our neighborhood and the Children's Aid society was called. He had a restraining order to stay away from my neighborhood, my school and myself of course. He passed away 2 years later and now he and that part of my life can rest. 

I remember being in grade 6 and transitioning to grade 7. "You are so beautiful and I want you to be my girlfriend" coming from my next door neighbor at the time who was 18 and I was 12. That summer will never be forgotten. He always wanted to know where I was and if I was safe and made sure I hung out only with his sister who was maybe 2 years younger than I was. That July his sister and I hung out in their basement quite often. Closer to the end of July he started getting his sister to do stuff for him that would some times necessitate her to leave the basement for 5 to 10 min at a time. While she was gone my "boyfriend" would sit next to me and ask me and say things like if you want to be my girlfriend, touch me *here*. He then started touching me "everywhere", and I was afraid to tell anyone. I asked him to stop and he didn't, I told his mother and she asked me to leave, I did! His mother came over the next day and accused me of being a liar and said that I was all over him and he is just a boy and can't control his urges and that I brought it on myself. For the month of August I stayed reclusive and watched movies and hating myself for being so EASY. I got through this by just leaving it behind me and walking away, I still think about it but the more I tell the better it gets. 

I remember my first Job at the Golden Arches, it was a great workplace at 15. That is where I met a guy who I thought loved me and wanted to be with me. We spent everyday together, skipping school and trying to get all of our shifts together because he just couldn't resist seeing me everyday. He called me everyday, even at work! He got me a cell phone so we could talk and I could tell him where I was. Whenever my friends wanted to hang out I had to ask him first just in case he already had something planned. I was beautiful and a dream to him, but to everyone else I was ugly and no one else would love me the way he does. I was perfect but needed to lose 20 pounds to look like...I shouldn't eat today cause I looked fat. Come hang out with me today so that I can watch what you are eating and how much. I like what you are wearing but can you put this on instead? This went on for a good year and a half, I went from my normal 140 lb range to 110 lb. I had missed so much school that I just kept on telling my friends I was really sick and that I had to keep on working to help my mom. I am sure a few of my friends knew I was lying, because I was embarrassed or wanted to portray a beautiful life. It  got really bad and ugly at the end because I wanted to hang out with my friends and celebrate my accomplishments. He would take a fit and throw things, swear, threaten and even threw me down the stairs a couple of times. I finally left him threw away my phone and moved, so he couldn't find me. I still fear that he will find me and Kill me. 

Do you think you know me, probably not! 

Do you want to help, but don’t want to interfere in a family or personal situation?

If you are not sure about offering help to someone you think is experiencing abuse, consider these points:

Common concerns 
Points to consider

• It’s really none of my business. 
• It could be a matter of life or death. Violence in the community is everyone’s business
• I don’t know what to say.
• Say “I care”, “I believe you” and “It’s not your fault”. Showing you are concerned is a good start. 
• It'll might make things worse. 
 Doing nothing could make things worse – abuse often gets worse over time
• It’s not serious enough to involve the police.
• Police are trained to respond – and even if the behavior is not criminal, they know about other resources to help families experiencing abuse 
• I’m afraid he might turn violent with me or my family if I interfere.
• Speak to her alone. Let the police know if you receive threats. Be sure to say if there are weapons available
• I don’t think she really wants to leave because she keeps coming back.
• Maybe she did not have the support she needed to overcome obstacles - no money, no place to live, no job, no babysitter, no transportation, unable to communicate, etc. 
• I’m afraid she will get angry with me. 
• Maybe she will. But she will also know that she can turn to you when she is ready
• I’m afraid he will get angry with me.
• Maybe he will. But he also knows that you are offering your help.
• They are both my friends. 
• If one friend is being abused and living in fear, you should be supportive
• I should wait until she asks for help. 
• She may be too afraid and ashamed to ask for help.
• If he wanted help or wanted to stop his behavior he would. 
• He may be too ashamed to ask for help.
• What happens in the privacy of the home is a family matter.
• It isn't when someone is being hurt – it’s wrong and it is against the law.

Here are some resources for the city of Ottawa if you would like to know how more about how to help.

~ Just B, Cat

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

It's a Disease, Break the Cycle! #BellLetsTalk

Growing up with a Problem Drinker...
 20 years later

My husband and I are the first generation to break this cycle in both of our families. 

I was born and raised here in Ottawa, Ontario. My father was of Vietnamese decent, he WAS an alcoholic. If you look at me you would never know that my family was the way it was, but then you also wouldn't know what goes through my head if I don't tell you. 

When I was growing up I remember my mom working, working and working I rarely saw her. She would always have breakfast on the table, lunches made and dinner ready before she left for the day. She didn't speak English and couldn't read or write. When she came home she would have 2 cases of Budweiser for my father. 

You see my father had his own room in our house, so that he could drink and watch TV. This is what he did all day, while my mother was working and my brother and I were at school. Everyday when my mom came home my brother and I would have to refill his bar fridges in his room. You did read that correctly, he had 2 bar fridges. He went through a case and a half most days, that's about 36 bottles of Budweiser from the time he was up to the time he passed out.  You may wonder why my family kept providing him alcohol and kept his demands. He was violent and relentless, that's why! When my brother and I misbehaved or disobeyed, we were punished. I still vividly remember my father lighting a glass cup for a minute and myself yelling and begging him not to do it. The cup was red from the flames and was scorching hot, my father took this with his oven mitts and pressed it firmly to my brothers back. This was his punishment for not going to school, cause sickness shouldn't prohibit you from going to school even if the school says you can't go cause you are sick. He still to this day has that ring on his back. I am the youngest of the family, so I didn't endure as much. My usual punishment was being hit with a bamboo stick until a wound open up and Hot chili peppers rubbed in. Not that bad, eh!

This was the way of life until my early teens, you see my father passed away of lung cancer and liver disease. But 20 years later I still deal with a multitude of issues from this disease that engulfed my family. 

I Grew up with a problem drinker and this is how I know!

  1. I constantly seek approval and affirmation
  2. I fail to recognize my accomplishments
  3. I fear criticism
  4. I am very uneasy when my life is going smoothly, I continually anticipate problems.
  5. I feel more alive in the midst of a crisis.
  6. I still feel responsible for others, as I did for my father.
  7. I can care for others very easily, yet find it difficult to care for myself
  8. I isolate myself from other people
  9. I respond with fear to authority figures and angry people.
  10. I feel that individuals and society in general are taking advantage of me.
  11. I attract and/or seek people who tend to be compulsive and/or abusive.
  12. I cling to relationships because I am afraid of being alone.
  13. I often mistrust my own feelings and the feelings expressed by others.
  14. I find it difficult to identify and express my emotions
Alcoholism is a family disease

My family works hard everyday to break the cycle and I am speaking out as part of a healing process for me.

If you or someone you know needs help please see the contact information below.

Are you troubled by someone's drinking? (Video)

Al-Anon - Ottawa

Telephone Answering Service
(613) 860-3431
Service Téléphonique en Français
(819) 669-0543

Al-Anon World Service Office
(888) 425-2666

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Ping, Pong, Clang, Ching, Chang. "What's in MY Name?"

We have all heard it, come on let's get real! 

Q:How do Chinese people name their kids? 
A:The drop a pot down the stairs... hahaha

Well in this case that could have happened  to my brother, his name is Ping! But you see as I was growing up I was always asked how come you have such a "white" name. 

I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada's beautiful capital.  I was born and raised in this city and am multi-culturally diverse! My best friend was of Latino decent her name was Marisol (which I plan to use if I am blessed with another daughter), I am Catholic/buddhist and am very proud to say so. 

Okay, on to my name! My name is Catherine (Cat) for short. Personal preference is to never be called Cathy, I just don't like it. This is a really short story on how I got my name, no pots or pans needed.

My mom was 6 months pregnant and had just finished doing some grocery shopping in Chinatown in the early 1980 (you don't need to know my age :)). She hailed a cab as it was winter and didn't want to take the bus(wasn't being very frugal), On the way home there was a ton of traffic . They were stuck and no where to go because of an accident up ahead, 60 min sitting in traffic is long. My mother suddenly felt ill and in lots of abdominal pain. She thought to herself she can't be in labor, but she was! 

This was sort of a lucky day for my mom as there were already emergency crews on the way for the accident up ahead so the cab driver flagged down a paramedic. Since they couldn't go anywhere in any direction my mom gave birth to me prematurely in the cab (yup in the cab). The paramedics asked my mom what she was going to name me. My mother turns to the cab driver and asks "where are we" he says "Catherine St."

This folks is how I got my name Catherine!

So, have you heard the joke above? This doesn't apply to my name, just imagine if I was born on a street like King Edward or even Dalhousie(eek). 

Tell me, how did you get your name and how unique is it to you?

Monday, January 26, 2015

Hardships of Eye makeup for a non-lidded Asian

It is ridiculous how some people have all the luck with beautiful long lashes and lids to boot. 
So when I was young my mother was obsessed with becoming Western. I will show you a photo of what she did to her lids. She is a beautiful lady, she just thought it would make transition to becoming western easy. 
I would never get this done but still I am trying to find all the perfect makeup tools to make my eyes look bright and beautiful without lash extensions and surgery. 
I may be a Canadian but I still have some asian characteristics such as Cheap(frugal). Through the years I have learnt that I am wasting my money, buying stuff that I just throw out because it doesn't work well.
So needless to say I have been through 7 eyelash curlers(SDM,Walmart, GT, AVON, Pharma plus) and over  50-60 mascara’s trying to find the right fit…and still nothing for my non-hooded beautiful eyes.
My mom on Top and moi on the bottom. 

1 year and 4 months ago but important to me with the economy the way it is.

So far I have been to 3 workshops 3 job fairs applied to over 100 jobs and still going. I wonder how hard it is for a person who is willing and ready to work find a job? I do not want to go on welfare, or live on EI for a year.
Although I do have a full time job as a mom, this no job thing is becoming a real big concern. Could you give me a glimmer of hope economy?
Well on to more baking and dinner preparations, cleaning and just being me.

M.A.C. (full lash) Vs. Shu Uemura vs Shiseido Eyelash Curlers

So as you can see from the title I am going to compare the above curlers. 
(I say Asian eye’s but many people of different Ethnic backgrounds have the same problems as well. My eyes are almond shaped and I have short, straight hard to curl lashes).
M.A.C. $27.00 Full lash curler is black in colour and I have used it for 3 years. It worked for my eyes as it has good pressure with regards to the rubber that comes with it. There was no pinch and curled so long as I applied a more than average pressure on it. The suggestion is to change it every three months but it works just as well if you don’t why waste money on a refill you don’t need. 
SHU UEMURA $25.00 Well, Well well I heard great things about this eyelash curler, so I went to Sephora to purchase this “magnificent” curler. Boy was I in for a “small” surprise! Nothing, it  didn’t do anything. It was so disappointing, I thought maybe just maybe I would find the perfect curler. I was wrong, not only did it pinch my lids but my lashes did not look curl, but lesson learned. If it were between the two MAC VS. SHU UEMURA I would say MAC a little more expensive but the rubber has a better grip I find and NO pinching.  
SHISEIDO $23.00 So Shiseido promised that the newly designed broader curve was made for my shaped eyes. So I went to the Shiseido counter and thought I would try it out, cause now at this point I had nothing to lose but money as I have tried many curlers on the market. Cheaper than both mentioned above I was okay with that. But when I tried it, awaited the wince that usually happens when it pinches my eye. To my surprise nothing happened. Starting from base to middle to end with just simple light pressure it happened, My Eureka moment! My lashes are not only curled but they look amazing. okay so exxageration there cause I still have not applied a mascara for length. But I will write on mascara’s a different time. This was and is still the best full eyelash curler I have ever used. 
Now you can take my word for it or go and buy the three I mention and try it out on your eyes as well. 
With Love,